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Language : English
Year : 1985
Medical Theme : Mental Disorder
Actors : Jamie Foxx, Robert Downey Jr, Catherine Keener, Tom Hollander, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Nelsan Ellis, Rachael Harris, Stephen Root, Lorraine Toussaint, Justin Martin, Kokayi Ampah, Patrick Tatten, Susane Lee, Marcos De Silvas, Ilia Volok
Storyline : Brazil is a hilarious, paranoid and chilling study of free man Sam Lowry who works a government employee in a menial job, who dreams of the perfect woman, angelic features and flowing lace gowns aplenty. He finds his dream girl Jill and suspects her of being a closet terrorist. When his love for Jill deepens the infallible system begins to close in around him from all directions.

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