Men Of Honor

Men Of Honor
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Men Of Honor

Men Of Honor

Language : English
Year : 2000
Medical Theme : Disability
Actors : Robert Di Niro, Cuba Gooding, Jr, Charlize Theron
Storyline : Carl Brashear is a black American and joins the American navy in 1948 when racism in America was still at its peak. The film Men Of Honor is about how Brashear fights his way to the top of the American navy, overcoming racial oppression and large-scale injustice against the blacks in America. The film mainly focuses on the conflict between officer ‘Billy’ Sunday and Brashear. But as time progresses Brashear proves to be very successful and becomes a hero, while Sunday is a complete failure. But while on a mission Brashear loses one of his legs and with dreams yet to be accomplished, the rest of the film is about how Brashear fights his disabilities to achieve his goals.

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