Prozac Nation

Prozac Nation
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Prozac Nation

Prozac Nation

Language : English
Year : 2001
Medical Theme : Clinical Depression
Actors : Christina Ricci, Jason Biggs, Anne Heche, Michelle Williams, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Jessica Lange, Jesse Moss, Nicholas Campbell, Zoe Miller, Sheila Paterson, Rob Freeman, Nicole Parker, Frida Betrani, Klodyne Rodney, Ian Tracey
Storyline : Elizabeth is a teenager accepted into Harvard with a scholarship in journalism has been raised by her divorced mother Mrs. Wurtzel since she was two years old, However she misses her father and become depressed. When she joins the university, she lives with a roommate Ruby and has her sexual initiation with Noah. Her article for the local column in Crimson newspaper is awarded by Rolling Stone magazine. Elizabeth turns abusive in sex and drugs, and her depression increases and she hurts her friends and her mother that love her, while she is dating Rafe. Her mother sends her to an expensive psychiatric treatment with Dr. Sterling, in spite of having difficulties paying for her medical bills and therapy sessions. After a long period of treatment under medication, and suicide attempt, Lizzie stabilizes and adjusts to the real world.

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