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Language : Hindi
Year : 2010
Medical Theme : Quadriplegiac/ Euthanasia
Actors : Hrithik Roshan, Aishwarya Rai, Shernaz Patel, Nafisa Ali, Aditya Roy Kapoor, Monikangana Dutta
Storyline : In an attempt to bar his reputation, Ethan Mascarena’s close friend out of professional jealousy ruins one of his dangerous magic tricks causing him to become a quadriplegic. 14 years pass by and his medical condition only makes him stronger, he not only becomes a radio jockey but also serves as a mentor to many other quadriplegics. However on the 14th anniversary of his accident Ethan decides to request euthanasia which the court rules out. This emotional tear jerking movie captures the challenging lifestyle of quadriplegic people showcasing the wee details of how amidst no hope of recovering they battle everyday to just exist. The movie also convinces the audience to a certain extent on the acceptance of euthanasia which of course is lawfully not permitted. The movie is worth the watch to understand the serious theme the director has poetically presented to his audience.

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