Gangs of New York

Gangs of New York
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Gangs of New York

Gangs of New York

Language : English
Year : 2002
Medical Theme : Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)/Blindness
Actors : Leonardo DiCaprio, Daniel Day-Lewis, Cameron Diaz
Storyline : “Bill the Butcher” is the local leader of the native Americans and he hates the Irish Catholic immigrants who are flooding New York in huge numbers. This conflict reaches its peak on 1846, in Paradise Square. There, the natives under the leadership of Bill, fights the immigrants who are led by Priest Vallon. In the end, the immigrants are defeated and Bill kills Vallon in the fight. Vallon’s only little son Amsterdam witnesses his father being killed by Bill and till he grows up, he has only one mission and it is to take revenge. So after Amsterdam grows up into a man he decides to take on Bill, by uniting the immigrants against the natives and their leader, Bill.

Movie Trailer

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