The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc

The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc
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The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc

The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc

Language : English
Year : 1999
Medical Theme : Schizophrenia
Actors : Rab Affleck, Stéphane Algoud, Edwin Apps, David Bailie, David Barber, Christian Barbier, Timothy Bateson, David Begg, Christian Bergner, Andrew Birkin, John Boswall, Matthew Bowyer, Paul Brooke, Bruce Byron
Storyline : In 1412, a young girl,Jeanne born in Domrémy, France develops into a very religious young woman who confesses several times a day. At the age of 13, she has her first vision and finds a sword When coming home with it. She finds the English leveling her home town. In 1428, she goes on a mission to rid France of the English and so sets out to meet Charles, the Dauphin. In a desperate military situation, Charles welcomes all help and gives Jeanne a chance to prove her divine mission. After the successful liberation of Orléans and Reims, the Dauphin can be crowned traditionally in the cathedral of Reims and ignores her since he doesn't need her anymore.Jeanne gets caught in his trap and is put in prison by the Burgundians.However during trial Jeene cannot be forced to tell about her divine visions since childhood and she is condemned of witchcraft and burnt alive in the marketplace of Routen on May30th 1431 at a young age of 19.

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