Get the latest health and medical news and stay current with coverage of all topics relevant to staying fit and healthy. This app will keep you updated throughout the day with breaking news, articles and special reports from the world of medicine, health, research , medical journals and experts. Also get instant access to an archive of over 110,000 news items across 1500 medical conditions.
Latest News : Latest health and medical news from the world of medicine, health, research,medical journals, in-depth analysis and special reports. Over 50 to 100 news stories on a daily basis - updated throughout the day.
Popular News: The most popular news stories on health based on sharing on social media, viewership and comments. Curated on a daily basis by our editors this is a great way to catch up on what is trending and causing a buzz.
News by condition : Medindia has one of the most comprehensive archives of health news anywhere : over 110,000 news items, categorized across 1500 diseases and medical conditions, from Achondroplasia to Zone Diet and everything in-between. Display, filter and search for news items for any of the 1500 conditions.
News by category : Get news across broad categories such as cancer, diabetes, weight loss, lifestyle, education or even celebrity. Over 40 categories to choose from.