
Top Ten Foods to Boost Your Mood - Slideshow

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Are you feeling depressed for no reason? Is being negative and gloomy your hard-to-change habit these days? Sometimes you think your life is heading nowhere and sometimes it might occur to you that you are crazy. Mood swings and depression are common behavior observed in men and women, both young and old alike, but statistics say that women are twice as susceptible to them. In most people it rather takes an aggressive form but some tend to hide it unless they are encouraged to speak up. What if you could eat your way to happiness and positivity! It is possible to kick out mood swings with the help of some mood altering food. Read on as we guide you to some top food for happiness.

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Salmon is an all rounder when it comes to healthy food. This fish is good for your hair, skin, heart and for your mood swings too. Some studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids have therapeutic effects on children coping with depression, and salmon is one of the best sources to get this monounsaturated fat in your body.

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Your brain needs a neurotransmitter serotonin to stay happy and in order to make it, you will need some tryptophan, an amino acid that is abundantly present in milk and other dairy products. Tryptophan helps you to make some of your own serotonin, that helps you to be positive and cheerful.

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Turkey is considered a must-have delicacy for Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner as it is believed to bring joy and cheer to the feast. Turkey is high in phenylanaline, an amino acid that is converted into dopamine in the brain. Psychiatry journal, mentions that phenyalanine is an effective antidepressant. But since you can't have a holiday treat meal everyday, eat protein rich food whenever your mind and mood need a boost, as phenylamaine is present in many of them.

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Eggs are ideal food for a healthy body and sharp mind. The egg yolk, which is often blamed for its high amount of cholesterol, is actually a very good source of vitamins D, B12 and choline. They help in enhancing memory and increase the levels of serotonin in your body. The high amount of proteins present in the egg white helps in slow absorption of carbohydrates in the blood that keeps you feeling full for a longer time period. This kind of slow absorption will also keep you feel alert and productive throughout the day. Now you have a weapon to beat off the Monday blues every week.

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If you are sad and sleepless, try munching two or three bananas before going to bed. Banana is a rich source of magnesium that helps reduce anxiety and improves sleep. They also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that is converted into serotonin in your body. Large amounts of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, natural sugars and potassium present in bananas make it a nutritious snack that helps the body's circulatory system deliver oxygen to brain.

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Spinach is one of the reasons behind the high spirits of Popeye the Sailor Man. Study shows that dark-leafy vegetables such as chard, spinach and kale are rich in folic acid, a nutrient proven to prevent depression and reduce boredom and fatigue. These greens are also abundant in antioxidants that help prevent brain cell damage from harmful free radicals that dampen mood and drain all your energy. In addition to it, they are also rich in magnesium that improves sleep and enhances your stress management abilities.

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Whole Wheat

Studies show that without carbohydrates, your body is unable to produce serotonin. Whole wheat contains fibers that help in slow absorption of carbohydrates and make you feel alert and energetic throughout the day. They help in maintaining a steady level of serotonin in the body. Carbs such as oatmeal, legumes and whole wheat bread are rich in fiber and are digested slowly. This helps in maintaining the blood sugar levels in the body and steadily supply glucose to the brain. Whole wheat is also a good source of selenium that regulates the function of your thyroid gland and helps controlling your mood.

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When you count foods that are 'mood-boosters', you can never miss out chocolates from the list. Chocolates are good source of anadamine, a neurotransmitter that targets the same points of the brain as the compounds of cannabis does. Chocolates contain only minuscule amount of this compound, but research shows that the other compounds present in chocolates cause anadamines to hang around in the brain for a longer period and hence enhancing its stimulant effect. Chocolates also release phenylethylamine, otherwise known as "chocolate amphetamine" that cause changes in blood pressure and blood sugar levels leading to a feeling of alertness and excitement. It works like amphetamines that boost your mood and decrease depression.

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Asparagus is a vegetable that is easy to cook and is very effevtive in fighting off tiredness and gloominess. It is rich in vitamin B and other minerals that are essential for proper functioning of brain. Study shows that lack of vitamin B in diet causes low spirits, fatigue, depression and makes you feel sleepy. Hence, next time you observe any of such symptoms, just grill some asparagus and munch your way to good mood.

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Ever thought why walnut shell resembles a human brain? People say Nature marked everything with a sign of purpose and in this case, walnuts are truly a "brain food". Walnuts contain highest amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids than any other nuts and other essential fats helping to improve our mood. Plus, crunching the shell down with a nutcracker to eat the nut is fun and provides instant stress relief as you divert your mind in some activity other than thinking.

  1. Introduction
  2. Salmon
  3. Milk
  4. Turkey
  5. Eggs
  6. Banana
  7. Spinach
  8. Whole Wheat
  9. Chocolate
  10. Asparagus
  11. Walnuts











