
106-Year-Old Delhi Resident Survives COVID-19

by Dr. Meenakshy Varier on Jul 6 2020 4:19 PM

A centenarian from Delhi, who is 106 years old has been successfully discharged from the hospital after surviving COVID-19 infection. The person has lived through the Spanish Flu and now has survived COVID-19.

106-Year-Old Delhi Resident Survives COVID-19
A centenarian from Delhi, who is 106 years old, has survived COVID-19 infection and has been discharged from the Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital (RGSSH).
The centenarian is said to have been four years old when the Spanish flu broke out 102 years ago. in 1918. The Spanish flu had struck one-third of the population at that time, killing 40 million. According to the Centre for Diseases Control (CDC) in the US, “The 1918 influenza pandemic was the most severe pandemic in recent history. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin.”

The norm during the Spanish Flu pandemic was very similar to the current COVID-19 situation, with directions issued on social distancing, stay-at-home orders and use of masks bring prescribed.

The Spanish Flu was first identified among military personnel in the U.S that killed around 6,75, 000 people. World War 1 soldiers returning to India are said to have brought the Spanish flu to the country. Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai were said to have been worst-hit by the Spanish flu.

Doctors at the RGSSH are pleased with the recovery of the centenarian, though he was highly vulnerable to the infection. The wife, son and another family member of the patient who were also infected with COVID-19, have recovered. The man is said to have recovered faster than his son who is in his 70’s.

“Perhaps, he is the first reported case of COVID-19 in Delhi who also went through the dreaded Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918, which like COVID-19 had also ravaged the world. And, he not only recovered from COVID-19, he recovered faster than his son, who is also very old,” said a senior doctor from the hospital.

“We don’t know whether he was affected by the Spanish Flu or not. We haven’t seen much documentation on the situation back then as far as Delhi is concerned, but very few hospitals were there at that time. It is amazing that this 106-year-old showed the will power to survive,” a senior doctor, who monitored his situation, said.

Hospital authorities state that “RGSSH has treated more than 1,000 COVID-19 patients so far, and on Monday it is marking the milestone with a symbolic event where Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, his deputy Manish Sisodia and Heath Minister Satyendar Jain are slated to participate.”












