
16-year-old British Girl Runs Away With 46-year-old Man

by Gopalan on May 16 2008 11:14 AM

A 16-year-old British girl runs away with 46-year-old man and says she is ready to lose everything for him.

A 16-year-old British girl has run away with 46-year-old man and says she is ready to lose everything for him.

Grade A student Lisa Wright, 16, has been missing for three weeks and is believed to be with a friend of the family, Nigel Trowbridge.

Despite police officers and family hunting for the missing schoolgirl Lisa has refused to tell her family where she is staying.

Her worried mum Angela Wright, 45, a dental nurse from Dagenham, Essex said: "I heard from her. I am always calling her mobile phone on the off chance it might be on.

"She told me she was still with him and that she was very annoyed about the publicity and that I should stop playing games.

"I tried to tell her that we weren't playing games that I needed to know where she is and that she is safe but she hung up on me.”

The student, who was due to take her General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) this week, has briefly contacted her family and admitted that she has slept with unemployed Trowbridge, 46, an old schoolfriend of her mother.

"It wasn't a very long conversation, it was clear she has no intention of coming home", Mrs Wright said.

The pretty blonde teenager left her home in Dagenham, Essex, on Friday, April 28, in her school uniform but did not make it to lessons.

Mrs Wright sobbed as she made a public appeal for help to find her missing daughter.

She said: "Please just come home, I need to know where you are. I've told her her exams are so important, even if she doesn't use them straight away she will need them for later in life."

Police have visited the flat where Trowbridge - who is separated from his wife - lives but it was deserted, although they found some of Lisa's clothes and a bottle of her perfume.

Mr Trowbridge's 20-year-old son Glyn has a newborn daughter with Lisa's sister Jemma, 19.

It is believed to be while Trowbridge was visiting this grandchild, Frankie, that he began his relationship with Lisa.

Angela said: "She is a quiet, shy girl. She has never defied me before.

"I don't know what has happened to her. She seems to be obsessed with him, completely infatuated.

"I've tried to explain she should not be with him because he's 30 years older than her but she says she loves him and is prepared to lose everything for him."

Mother-of-three Mrs Wright, 45, of Dagenham, East London, added that her daughter had told her she had slept with Trowbridge, who has five children and two grandchildren.

"She is not on the Pill and I'm worried she'll get pregnant," she said.

Staff at Lisa's school raised the alarm when she failed to arrive for lessons on April 28.

Only then did her mother learn she had been skipping lessons for weeks.

The petite schoolgirl wanted to study psychology at university and had been predicted top grades in her GCSEs.

Miss Wright said of her younger sister: "She is a clever girl and wants to be a psychiatrist or a police forensic officer.”

Lisa has been in contact with her family twice since leaving home but refused to reveal her whereabouts. The family have put up posters in the area in the hope someone will contact them with information.

Lisa's mother, who is separated from husband David, a forklift truck driver, said:

"It's been an absolute nightmare. I don't know where she's living or what's happening to her. I just want her near to me. I can't eat. The doctor has put me on tranquillisers."

She added: "I have known Nigel since I was little; we went to the same schools together, right from infants.

"I never thought he would do something like this. It sickens me."

A spokesman for the Jo Richardson Community School, where Lisa is a pupil, said: "She is a really bright girl and she could do very well but if she misses her GCSEs it will have a major impact on her future."

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said yesterday: "We are worried about her.

"Obviously she is a young girl and her mother wants her home."

Police have stepped up the hunt for the missing teen, who has been in brief contact with her family three times since she vanished.












