Not many of us may know that a potentially life threatening condition can be triggered by a fungal disease from the feces of pigeons.
Not many of us may know that a potentially life threatening condition can be triggered by a fungal disease from the feces of pigeons. This story is about Erica Richards, a 23 year old girl from Canada, full of beans, who is currently coming to terms with her life after surviving a fatal disease, cryptococcal meningitis, which she contracted about 2 months ago. The disease has left her blind.
The disease caused swelling in her spine and brain. What began as excruciating headaches, led to coma. Though the chances of survival are 50-50, Erica made it, although the disease took a toll on her sight.
Through her story, Erica sends a message to the world to be careful with pigeon feces, more importantly to be aware of such a potentially life threatening disease. She warns people to stay away from feeding pigeons.