In some stunning news, a 5-year-old girl was told by nurses at school that she was overweight and at risk of cancer and heart disease.
In some stunning news, a 5-year-old girl was told by nurses at school that she was overweight and at risk of cancer and heart disease. Lucy Davies underwent the height and weight check at school and was told she weighed 27 kgs, which is at par with her age and height.
However when the body mass index was used, she was found to be 1% overweight and authorities issued a letter to her mother 38-year-old Susan Davies, who was shocked at receiving it."‘I understand they need to educate parents about healthy eating – but I found this quite insulting," Mrs Davies said. "If it wasn’t all so official and a school nurse could ring up for a chat, then it might do more good. The only thing she’s said about it so far is, “I’m not fat, am I?”. I said, “Of course you’re not, you’re perfect."
Bournemouth and Poole Primary Care Trust officials said parents must know about the dangers of obesity.