COVID-19 toll in Israel reached 114,200. The Israeli Ministry of Health reported 555 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday.

‘Healthcare providers in Israel will run only life-saving urgent tests, like tests for critically ill patients, cancer and heart patients, and coronavirus tests.’
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The number of recoveries reached 92,796, with 692 new recoveries, while the number of active cases dropped to 20,305. Read More..

Earlier on Sunday, Israel's laboratory workers went on strike, claiming they have to deal with low wages and high workloads.
Esther Admon, chairwoman of the Israel Association of Biochemists, Microbiologists and Laboratory Workers, told Xinhua that the strike included 2,000 workers in 400 labs across Israel.
She noted that the staff will run only life-saving urgent tests, such as tests for critically ill patients, cancer and heart patients, as well as coronavirus tests.
However, the strikers only give positive results to coronavirus tests, while those who are found negative will not receive the results.