A six-year old boy from Uttar Pradesh is being hailed as a God in his village.
A six-year old boy from Uttar Pradesh is being hailed as a God in his village as he a 12-inch long braid of hair on his back resembling a tail. Parents of Amar Singh, 6, said that he was born with a patch of one-inch long hair on his back and which has since grown long enough for them to be able to plait it. He is been hailed as the re-incarnation of Lord Hanuman in his village while his fondness of playing with cows has reinforced their claims of him having a spiritual connection with cows.
While his parents have refused to cut the hair, saying that it was God's gift, experts believe that he is suffering from a condition called Spina bifida (split spine) which is caused when the bones of the spine do not form properly. If untreated the condition can lead to paralysis and learning disabilities in the long run.