What would you do if you are gifted something that you are not interested with? Well, more than two-thirds of Britons, auction their gifts on Internet sites in return for cash.
What would you do if you are gifted something that you are not interested with? Well, more than two-thirds of Britons, auction their gifts on Internet sites in return for cash. The number of Britons attempting to 'Sell Unwanted Rubbish For' cash increases on December 27, which has been dubbed as Surf day, and most will be advertising their Christmas gifts on auction sites such as eBay.
And a survey conducted by the Co-op Bank on 3,000 people has found that nearly half of those who plan to sell unwanted presents online will have got rid of them before New Year's Day.
"While it's not traditionally considered polite to get rid of presents from friends and family, this way people will make back some of the money they will have spent over the season and give their finances a kick-start for January," the Daily Express quoted John Hughes, of the Co-op Bank, as saying.
Many of them will need the extra cash, as the survey found 40 percent of people would now be in debt after spending on gifts and celebrations. The average post-Christmas debt is 262 pounds.