A wine importer said on Tuesday that savouring a glass of Bordeaux will soon be able to help save the planet from global warming.
Norwegians will soon be able to help save the planet from global warming by savouring a glass of Bordeaux, a wine importer said on Tuesday.
For every bag-in-box of Chateau Le Cluzeau 2006 sold in Norway the importer Bevco will buy carbon credits compensating for 18 kilograms of carbon dioxide.That is almost six times the estimated amount of CO2 emitted in the production and transport of one bag-in-box.
The money will be given to a Norwegian non-governmental organisation Framtiden i vaare hender (The Future is in Our Hands), which will in turn finance clean energy projects in developing countries.
The wine will go on sale on the Norwegian market on May 3.
The bag-in-box format -- as the name implies, a plastic bladder full of wine inside a strong cardboard box -- is popular in the Nordic countries. One bag-in-box is the equivalent of three litres, or four bottles, of wine.