Scientists have come out with findings that an increased intake of antioxidants Vitamin C and E can reduce the chances of developing renal cell carcinoma (RCC).
For those who faithfully take their vitamin pills, it is an encouragement to take even more. Scientists have come out with findings that an increased intake of antioxidants Vitamin C and E can reduce the chances of developing renal cell carcinoma (RCC).
RCC is a form of kidney cancer and accounts for 90 percent of all kidney cancers.Scientists released work that pointed to the reduction of RCC by about 28 and 44 percent by the increased intake of vitamins C and E respectively.
Accordingly, an intake of more than 186 micrograms per day of vitamin C is associated with a 44 percent reduced risk of renal cell cancer as compared to the an average daily amount of 89.4 micrograms.
Says lead author Cristina Bosetti from Milan's Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche, "Vitamin E may represent an indirect indicator of a diet rich in vegetables, which are usually consumed with olive oil in this population, and have been related to a reduced risk of RCC."
She adds, "Thus, it is possible that, as for other common neoplasms, the favorable effect of plant food may be due to other still unidentified compounds, or to the complex action of several micronutrients combined."