Researchers at the Hopkins University felt that intense fatigue needs medical investigation, and careful management. Feeling tired all the time may
Researchers at the Hopkins University felt that intense fatigue needs medical investigation, and careful management. Feeling tired all the time may be a sign of an underlying medical condition - or it may be part and parcel of an overwhelmingly busy life. If you find fatigue is really getting you down, ask your doctor to investigate.
Conditions that lead to profound fatigue include thyroid problems, depression, diabetes and anaemia. All can be successfully treated. If there's no underlying medical condition, be thankful and then start managing your tiredness.Experts offer some energy-boosting tips. Exercise will make you less tired, they say, so include it - however busy you are. But build up gradually to 30 minutes a day. Learn stress reduction, pace yourself and make time management a priority - then you don't get overwhelmed. Good sleep habits, a healthy diet, and lots of water will also help increase your energy levels and beat debilitating fatigue.