Li Yun of China said that his pet turtle got addicted to smoking after puffing off fag butts he tossed.
A turtle in China has got so hooked to cigarettes that it smokes half a pack a day.
Owner Li Yun said that his pet got addicted to smoking after finishing off fag butts he tossed into his garden.Yun said that now the pond-dwelling creature gets upset if it doesn’t get half a pack a day.
"Whenever I smoke it lifts its head out of the water and stares," The Sun quoted Yun, as saying.
"If I don’t let it smoke, it swims around crazily, scratching the sides of its little pond.
"It won’t stop until I give it a cigarette and it bites the butt - you can see the tip glowing.
"Within four minutes the cigarette’s gone," Yun added.
A spokesman said: "If the turtle smokes voluntarily there is little we can do - but we want him to stop making it public."