
A way to calm the heart rhythm

There is a very easy and simple way to slow down the respiration rate. Just by practising yoga, any breathing exercise and reciting the Rosary respiration rate can be slowed down and thereby calm the heart rhythm. According to a study The Rosary is an important prayer ritual in the Catholic Church - and the benefits may be more than spiritual.

Researchers at the University of Cleavland, recorded breathing rates during normal talking and recitation of the Rosary in 15 healthy adults. They also carried out the exercise with yoga mantras and a controlled breathing exercise.

All three practices slowed breathing and made it more regular than with normal conversation. At six breaths per minute, the respiration rate was linked to a healthier heart rhythm. The findings lead the researchers to speculate whether the practice of the Rosary and yoga mantras may have evolved, in part, as a calming practice, which both opens the mind and benefits the heart and lungs in the long run.
