Accidental inhalation of small, handmade, blow-gun darts by children is a reality and pediatric surgeons have seen a rise in hospital admissions of children and teens with breathing problems.
Accidental inhalation of small, handmade, blow-gun darts by children is a reality and pediatric surgeons have seen a rise in hospital admissions of children and teens with breathing problems. Many of the children are making this device at home after seeing online videos that teach them the way to make this device.
Some of the cases required a bronchoscopic procedure. The symptoms were problems in breathing.
"Blow-gun dart aspiration, although relatively uncommon, can have serious consequences. Certainly, a high index of suspicion for aspiration is necessary in the adolescent male population presenting with vague respiratory complaints. A low threshold for chest radiography in this population can assist in diagnosis," authors said.
Blow gun darts can cause grave injury. Parents need to be watchful of their children playing with these darts.