Canadian researchers at the University of Montreal have revealed that active mothers will beget smarter kids.
Canadian researchers at the University of Montreal have revealed that active mothers will beget smarter kids. The researchers say that animal studies already prove this, but they have now undertaken a project to prove this is true in humans as well.
"Our hypothesis is that mothers who exercise during pregnancy will have newborns with more mature cognitive functions, particularly long-term memory," said researcher Elise Labonte-Lemoyne, who is coordinating the study with neuropsychologist Dave Ellemberg.The study will involve 60 newly pregnant women aged between 20 and 35 years. The women will be divided into two groups - one group will remain inactive during pregnancy, while the other will be asked to undertake 20 minutes of physical activity three times per week.
The cerebral activity of newborns will be measured 10 days after birth by placing a small sensor on their heads. "The procedure is painless and lasts no more than 15 minutes. We can even do it as the babies sleep," Ellemberg said.