The smile queen of south Indian cinema, Sneha has pledged to donate her eyes. This actress with sparkling eyes who is involved in a lot of social work has signed on the declaration form.
The smile queen of south Indian cinema, Sneha has pledged to donate her eyes. This actress with sparkling eyes who is involved in a lot of social work has signed on the declaration form. At an event organized by Rajan Eye Care Hospital, Chennai Vision Charitable Trust and HelpAge India to stress on the importance of eye donation Sneha said, "By donating my eyes I have got the opportunity to live again. Everyone must contribute to make India blind-free. As one person closes his eyes, another person can get the miracle of sight." Managing Director of Rajan Eye Care Hospital, Mr. Mohan Rajan said, "Though nearly 90 persons die every day in the city, all the eye banks put together receive only 10 pairs of eyes a day. There is a great deal of ignorance about eye donation."
The actress feels that by donating her eyes she has set an example in the society and hopes to motivate more people to come forward to donate their eyes.