
Acupuncture for conception

There are many grueling and expensive options to explore for women who are trying to conceive the latest of it being

There are many grueling and expensive options to explore for women who are trying to conceive the latest of it being Acupuncture.

According to an article from the San Francisco Chronicle, older women are particularly favour acupuncture because they may have been through the other options. They usually face multiple problems when it comes to conception. A woman is born with a certain number of eggs, hundreds are lost with each menstrual cycle and those that are left after 35 years are more fragile, making fertilization and normal conception more difficult.

Because the body rejects embryos that aren't developing properly, the rate of miscarriages among women over 40 is high, about 52 percent. Older women also have a higher chance of having a baby with Down syndrome. And older women are more likely to have problems like fibroids, scarring from past infections, or be with a partner who is older and may have fertility issues like poor sperm count.

To add on the emotional aspect of trying to conceive can cause stress, making it more difficult to conceive. For whatever reason, some medical experts say, acupuncture is able to deal with some of the problems relating to an inability to conceive. In some cases, they say, it's a matter of easing the stress and dealing with the patient's state of mind.

Acupuncture specialists usually prescribe a combination of acupuncture therapy, diet and herbal medicines. Women are sometimes told to stay away from cold and raw foods, wheat and sugar. Some herbs are taken orally, others are burned near certain parts of the body. Acupuncture treatments can be once or twice a week and are designed to help restore the flow of energy that acupuncture specialists say will prepare the patient for pregnancy,as the news states.









