Acupuncture, one of the ancient Chinese medical practices that has gained widespread popularity is now being recommended for children. Paediatricians
Acupuncture, one of the ancient Chinese medical practices that has gained widespread popularity is now being recommended for children. Paediatricians suggest that along with other therapies, the traditional Chinese medicine practice should also be offered to paediatric patients.
A recent study which shows significant rise in the number of visits made to acupuncturists, proves the popularity of the traditional method for relief of pain. However, it has not reached mainstream pediatric treatment yet. Very few acupuncturists treat children and not many pediatricians are familiar with acupuncture.Acupuncture could be effectively used for children who suffer from chronic, recurrent, or severe pain such as migraine, chronic abdominal pain, and pain associated with cancer and nausea. Researches reveal that the technique is safe and could be used in children and that many patients prefer this method to additional medications.
The one popular myth that prevents the use of this method in children is that children are sensitive to needles and are not prepared to take such treatments. On the contrary, children with chronic pain or nausea are ready to try it in place of other medications.