Study shows that adhering to a dietary regimen is the real issue when it comes to weight loss programs.
Researchers find that it is difficult to help people adhere to a particular dietary regimen during treatment for obesity and weight control.
It is essential to understand what features make a diet easier or more challenging to follow. Tailor-made dietary regimens for individuals will also optimize obesity treatments.
A study done by the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing investigated different approaches to diet and clinical trials to improve adherence to regimens for weight reduction.
"There is no convincing evidence that one diet is universally easier to adhere to than another for extended periods, a feature necessary for long-term weight management," says Ariana M. Chao, lead investigator. "Progress in improving dietary adherence could result from greater efforts to examine mechanisms underlying interindividual variability in responses to dietary approaches.”
She believes that the more we understand the individual characteristics of those trying to lose weight, the more we may be able to identify dietary interventions that facilitate their efforts. Source-Medindia