
Adult bone health is dependent on lifestyle we live

Previous theories have suggested that fetal genetic factors and childhood factors are responsible for deterioration of bone health of the adults. A new study disapproves the study and says that our bones are in good or bad condition because of our lifestyles.

Researchers had tracked the health of 389 people since their birth in 1947. All aspects of their fetal health, childhood actors that may seem to be related to adult health risks like obesity heart disease and cancer, were recorded. On reaching adulthood he subjects were asked to provide detailed information regarding health and lifestyle. They were also tested for bone mineral density for the hip, spine, and top of the thigh-bone (femur).

The results showed that adult lifestyle and bodyweight accounted for most of the bone health of adults between the ages of 49 and 51. For women, 25% of the bone mineral density was explained by the body weight variations. Researchers feel that birth weight do seem to affect the skeletal growth, and adopting a healthy lifestyle will work wonders for adult bone health for all people.

The results of the study were reported in the current issue of Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
