The age-old assumption that people cheat with someone better looking than their current partner may not be actually true, says a new study.
The age-old assumption that people cheat with someone better looking than their current partner may not be actually true, says a new study. Victoria Milan, a dating site for married people looking to have an affair, polled over 4,000 of their members and found that most people using the site consider their significant others to be more attractive than their affair partners, the Huffington Post reported.
Interestingly, male respondents said that they consider their significant others superior to their affair partners in other ways as well.
Only 30 percent of men cheated with women younger than their current partners, and only a quarter of the men found their mistresses more interesting or more in shape than their partners.
So why cheat at all? Men admitted that they found their mistresses to be more passionate, better listeners and more caring than their significant others.
Over half of the female respondents also found their significant others to be more attractive than their affair partners, but 50 percent said their lovers were in better shape.
Similar to the male respondents, women reported that their affair partners listen better and are more passionate than their man at home.