Lungs will function better in a clean and ventilated kitchen, a new research has found

The researchers followed 996 villagers from southern China for nine years to examine the effects of cleaner fuels and better kitchen ventilation on lung function and disease.
For this study, the researchers offered nearly 1,000 participants from 12 villages access to biogas - a combustible clean fuel made by composting biomass at room temperature in a biogas digester - and improved kitchen ventilation, and people adopted these interventions according to their preferences.
The participants provided details about their lifestyle and had their lung function measured both at the outset of the study and at its end nine years later, and some were also interviewed and examined three and six years into the study.
The researchers found that people who adopted both improvements performed even better in lung function tests, and they were also less likely to develop COPD.
The study appeared in the journal PLOS Medicine.
In India, around 1.3 million people died of indoor air pollution in 2010 whereas death because of outdoor air pollution was around 6.2 lakh, acording to a global report.