Watching sport with your kids is great family entertainment, but it's pretty clear that what children see when they watch sport is a drinking culture.

"Taking into account the amount of programming time for sport vs non-sport TV there', four alcohol adverts in sport for every one in non-sport TV," said lead researcher Kerry O'Brien, associate professor at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.
"Australian children love watching sport but unfortunately they are going to have to watch a lot of alcohol ads as well," O'Brien noted.
A clause in Australia's advertising regulations allowing alcohol advertising in live sport programming during the day when children are watching appears to be responsible for children's exposure to thousands of alcohol adverts each year, the study suggests.
The study found that there were 6,049 alcohol adverts on free-to-air sport TV in 2012, with significantly more alcohol adverts per hour in sport than non-sport TV.
Most of the alcohol advertising coincided with children and adolescent's peak viewing times.
"Watching sport with your kids is great family entertainment, but if culture is what you see around you, then it's pretty clear from these results that what children see when they watch sport is a drinking culture," study co-author Sherilene Carr from Monash University noted.