
Algal Gel to Prevent HIV Infection

Scientists involved in a worldwide research have come up with a microbicidal algal gel to prevent HIV infection.

This gel is expected to evolve into a powerful new protection weapon for women against HIV. Preliminary lab tests suggest it would be 95% efficient.

Brazilian scientists, who aim to evolve various methods to prevent HIV infection by using microbicides , assure the gel will be on the market in seven years.

Women need to find ways to protect themselves from HIV, mainly in underdeveloped nations where AIDS is widespread and men refuse to use condoms.

US philanthropist Bill Gates has said: only giving women the power to protect themselves can control AIDS pandemic.

Researcher Dr Luiz Castello Branco claims, ‘the gel had produced impressive results during the first phase of testing over the last three years.’

He said: 'We will certainly get to a final product with an efficiency above 50%'.

'Right now we will test the product's safety and the ideal dose.'

Roger Pebody, a treatment specialist at the HIV charity the Terrence Higgins Trust said: 'Millions of women are exposed to HIV and cannot ask their partners or husbands to use condoms.'

'Microbicides will give many more women the power to protect themselves.'

'Many products are already being tested in human trials and could be available in as little as five years.'

'Microbicides look set to be the best new prevention technology for vulnerable women in the hardest hit countries of Central and Southern Africa.'

