Patients do just as well after a cardiac arrest at those hospitals compared with those that do not allow families to stay during resuscitation.

The findings are based on an analysis of 41,568 patients who went through resuscitation efforts at 252 hospitals. In all, 13,470 of those patients were treated at 80 hospitals with policies allowing for family presence during resuscitation, or FPDR.
Across all patients, more than 57% had their heart restarted by resuscitation. Only 17.6% of all patients survived to go home from the hospital.
They found no significant differences between the two groups in the odds that patients’ hearts restarted patients’ odds of leaving the hospital alive, or their odds of leaving the hospital with little lingering effect of their cardiac arrest on their brains.
Many hospitals held back on allowing family presence out of a concern that loved ones could distract medical team members, get in their way, or even be more likely to sue afterward if the patient dies or suffers serious brain damage.
"Our study tried to look at this in as comprehensive a way as we could, and we cannot see anything in these findings that says these policies are harmful," Cooke noted.