
AMA Backs Call for National Disability Insurance Scheme

by VR Sreeraman on Oct 7 2009 3:25 PM

AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said today the AMA fully supports the call by Australia�s disability and community sector for a National Disability Insurance Scheme.

AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said today the AMA fully supports the call by Australia's disability and community sector for a National Disability Insurance Scheme.

The call was made at the National Press Club by Dr Rhonda Galbally, Patron of the National Disability and Carer Alliance and Chair of the National People with Disabilities and Carer Council, on behalf of a broad coalition of supporters.
The proposed Scheme is in line with the AMA's long-held policy for a long term care scheme for the severely disabled.

Dr Pesce said the AMA today formally pledged its support for the concept of a National Disability Insurance Scheme by joining the campaign organised by the disability and community sector.

"I urge other health professional groups to get behind this campaign," Dr Pesce said.

Dr Pesce said there were many compelling reasons why the AMA and doctors are enthusiastic about a National Disability Insurance Scheme.

"Doctors are strong supporters of social justice and equity and believe that people with a disability and their families have a right to participate in the community and be supported to do so," Dr Pesce said.

"Every day, doctors around Australia see the downstream impact of inadequate early support and assistance because we regularly provide medical care for people with disabilities.

"And many doctors get frustrated at being unable to get assistance, care coordination and support services in the community for their patients who have a disability.

"A National Disability Insurance Scheme would provide fairness, equity and a better quality of life for disabled people, their families and their carers.

"It is very encouraging that there is growing community support for such a scheme, and the AMA urges the Government to respond positively to this community sentiment."










