The AMA Federal Council has rejected outright Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) 'measure and share' proposals, which are currently being pushed by some medical groups.
The AMA Federal Council has rejected outright Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) 'measure and share' proposals, which are currently being pushed by some medical groups.
AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said today that any PBS savings derived from changed prescribing patterns must be re-invested back into the PBS.'Evidence-based prescribing information and other education strategies, including details of comparative prescribing patterns, contribute to improvements in the quality use of medicines,' Dr Haikerwal said.
The AMA supports the education activities of the National Prescribing Service, particularly at the local level, which include:
'The AMA emphasises that any PBS savings derived from Quality Use of Medicines activities must be retained within the PBS to benefit all Australians.