Amy Winehouse's dad's extra marital affair tore the family apart and he is blamed for his daughter's drug addiction.
Amy Winehouse's dad has said he is partly to blame for his daughter's drug addiction for he was the one who tore the family apart with an extra-marital affair.
The taxi driver embarked on an illicit relationship soon after Amy was born in 1983.But 18 months later, he fell for a colleague he was working with in a double-glazing firm.
Their extramarital affair continued for almost a decade before Mitch eventually left his family to move in with his mistress - and then married her in 1996.
Amy and her older brother Alex grew up aware of the mistress and even had a special name for her - 'Daddy's work wife'.
The lyrics Amy penned for track ‘What It Is About Men’ hints towards domestic baggage with the line: "All the s**t my mother went through."
"The children used to call Jane 'Daddy's work wife,’” The Sun quoted him, as saying on a BBC programme.
"I should have left earlier, I should have left sooner. There was not really a negative response from Amy (when I left), but she definitely became a lot more independent.
"I thought Amy was over it pretty quickly - in fact it felt at the time Amy felt no effect at all.
"Maybe she could not articulate it in words, but she certainly did it with music,” he added.