New York is gearing up for foie gras protests after an animal rights group asked the state to ban the practice of force feeding ducks.
New York is gearing up for foie gras protests after an animal rights group asked the state to ban the practice of force feeding ducks and geese that are used to make the delicacy. Mercy For Animals (MFA) released hidden-camera footage of one New York foie gras farm at a press conference in Albany, demanding an end to the "cruel practice."
The group said it was supporting a bill against force-feeding brought by state senator Tony Avella, a Democrat.
The bill would effectively ban the production of foie gras, affecting two farms in New York State that practice force-feeding, including the biggest foie gras producer in the country, according to MFA.
The sale and production of foie gras has been banned in California since July 2012.