
Animated Polar Bear Used by Toy Firm to Warn Santa About Global Warming

Global warming is a serious situation that could wreak havoc on the environment, including the North Pole, a polar bear has warned Santa Claus in a video.

Global warming is a "serious situation" that could wreak havoc on the environment, including the North Pole, a polar bear has warned Santa Claus in a video.

The warning comes in a three-part video series, "Under the North Star: An Uplifting Christmas Experience".

Critics say the Overland, Mo.-based company behind the animated series has advocated a political stance to children, prompting the removal of the videos.

However, a statement issued by Build-A-Bear founder and CEO Maxine Clark, insists that the video series is intended to "inspire" children to make a difference as individuals.

aura Flynn, a contributor to, called for a boycott of the company, saying the video amounted to "brainwashing on the sleaziest and most sinister" level.

