
Antibiotics Helps Autism

There is new hope for children with autism. Antibiotcs seem to treat or prevent the symptoms of autism in some patients.

One in every 150 children is affected by autism. Currently there are no treatments for this complex condition. Researchers from Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital in Chicago found that a subset of patients with autism who experience a colonization of bacteria in the bowel can be helped by antibiotic vancomycin.

Interestingly the study was done after the autistic son of a researcher was treated with antibiotics for an ear problem and showed improvement of his symptoms. Researchers at present are not sure why the therapy works, they hypothesize that it may be that the symptoms of autism are caused by a neurotoxin-producing bacteria (a bacteria that inhibits the function of cells in the nervous system). However there are still many questions to be answered about this complex condtion.
