Diet excluding sugars and refined carbohydrates with a high quality nutrition coming from complex carbohydrates and good quality fats help live a healthy life without illness.

‘‘Avoidance of refined carbohydrates and foods high in sugar help maintain body weight and prevent illnesses’.’

The review was published online November 15, 2018 in Science.

The authors laid out the evidence for three contrasting positions on dietary guidelines for fat and carbohydrate consumption:
1. High consumption of fat causes obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and possibly cancer, therefore low-fat diets are optimal.
2. Processed carbohydrates have negative effects on metabolism; lower-carbohydrate or ketogenic (very low-carbohydrate) diets with high fat content are better for health.
3. The relative quantity of dietary fat and carbohydrate has little health significance--what's important is the type of fat or carbohydrate source consumed.
Within their areas of disagreement, the authors identified a list of questions that they said can form the basis of a new nutrition research agenda, including:
2. Do ketogenic diets provide metabolic benefits beyond those of moderate carbohydrate restriction, and especially for diabetes?
3. What are the optimal amounts of specific types of fat (including saturated fat) in a very-low-carbohydrate diet?
Finding the answers to these questions, the researchers said, will ultimately lead to more effective nutrition recommendations.