
Are the Middle Class Bosses and Teens Heavily Drunk?

The peril of too much consumption of alcohol was found out yesterday when a report clearly underlined the health risks of leaders of industry and teenagers who were gulping bottles of wine

Health risks of middle class professionals and teens who resort to binge drinking have been currently identified in UK.

The peril of too much consumption of alcohol was found out yesterday when a report clearly underlined the health risks of leaders of industry and teenagers who were gulping bottles of wine after work and school.

The first evidence was produced by “The Office for National Statistics” that clearly stated that senior management staff of big corporates have also followed the middle-income group in binge drinking after work.

The Home Office-backed survey found teen-agers exposed to social risks indulging in widespread binge drinking where parents completely ignored them or totally condoned them.

In 2006 the top social bracket in the UK were found to consume on an average 22.9 units of alcohol a week against a national average of 18.7 units.

It was clearly proved by the ONS that the average British boss exceeds the safe drinking limit. So also it is proved that the women in the top brass consumed double the intake of a middle class women.

Taking note of the current trend towards stronger wine served in larger glasses the ONS adopted a new method of assessing alcohol consumption, which counts a glass of wine as two units of alcohol instead of one. The results depicted a 27% increase in consumption among women and 45% increase among women.

A Home Office-funded programme commissioned by Positive Futures, found 39% of teenagers drank up to 20 units a week, while 15% drank more than 20 units, which they readily got, from their local shops.










