Women have contributed their share of talent to the corporate world at large and especially in India and have deemed themselves worthy of being called “successful” bosses.
Women have contributed their share of talent to the corporate world at large and especially in India and have deemed themselves worthy of being called “successful” bosses.
They face a great challenge in keeping a fine balance between what they do at home and how they overcome work-related pressures in a male-dominant environment.An outstanding example is 39-year-old Anupama Vatsayan Arya, who heads Mobera Systems, a high-end software company headquartered in Chandigarh with its offices in USA and France.
Since its inception in 2003, the company has made steady progress. Last year it achieved a whopping 2.5 million US dollar turnover. It keeps growing at 100 per cent+ year.
A “successful” boss, Anupama has proved that gender favouritism no more exists.
“The biggest fight is against your own preconceived notions. Even if there are perceptions that ok this cannot be done, I think there’s a way out to counter that. The proof is in the pudding,” said Anupama.
In their role as domestic managers, women play an important role in enabling the household to adapt to change.
But the question arises, are women better managers?
“It’s not only the number but quality content, attitude, aptitude performance, their acceptability in business schools as well as their acceptability in the corporate world. I have seen a very positive change. So the number has gone up,” said S C Vaidya, Chairman of the School.
If men are more likely than women to have command-and-control behaviour style, women are more likely than men to be team builders and communicators.
What’s important, though, are the skills and characteristics that women excel in. If you go by the assessment of the Chandigarh school, there will be more women bosses in the coming years.