Regulating one’s emotional insecurity is the essential key to a happy and healthy relationship over time.

‘Insecurities in a relationship can be detrimental to the emotional bond between partners and can lead to serious issues.’

Relationship in Life
Relationship is the most magical aspect in anyone’s life as it empowers both partners to be the best versions of themselves. However, life can be tough sometimes and can make one feel less confident.Whether this is in their personal or professional lives or within the relationship, insecurity can damage the emotional connection of any relationship, resulting in serious disputes.
It grows into a huge concern when one partner feels insecure about the other. This further grows into jealousy, spite, and other negative emotions. Controlling this early on before the insecurity gets bigger is absolutely essential to keep the relationship happy and healthy.
Signs of Insecurity
As the saying goes, “prevention is better than cure”. So, it is better to be aware of the various signs that crop up in the relationship to prevent it from breaking apart.Lack of Individual Social Life:
When two people are together for most of the time, a little space and alone time are a must to get a break. If you notice your partner is always tagging along with you or does not want to pursue any other social plans without you, it is a huge sign that they are insecure.Jealousy:
Insecurity in a relationship comes when one partner feels inferior to the other and thinks that they might lose them. Jealousy is a common reaction in such cases and a major indicator that your partner does not feel secure in the relationship.Playing the Victim Card:
During arguments or just a conversation, your partner happens to put the entire blame on you and play the victim to seek attention. This could be a natural trait or a personality that they picked up while growing up. The reason could be anything, but this sign is not healthy for any relationship.No Personal Space:
Despite telling them that you require some time alone, if your partner does not give you any personal space, it clearly means that they want to constantly be around you and are afraid of losing you.Cannot Handle Criticism:
Insecure people tend to react loudly when criticized. This could be constructive criticism or an opinion you are sharing. If it is remotely about them, you can be sure that a massive fight is coming your way.Snaps Back Often:
Immaturity often tags along with an insecure person. They don't seem to see the other perspective and only want everything to cater to them, almost like being self-centered. Arguing and snapping back are common in such cases.Needs Re-Assurance:
No matter how many times you try to tell them that you love them or that they are safe with you, your partner keeps needing reassurance on their status with you. This can become extremely exhausting and even disrespectful for some.Apologizing for Every Thing:
Relationships often have arguments and misunderstandings but over-apologizing and creating situations out of nothing can start to look extremely irritating. You may notice that your partner is constantly looking to make sure that they don't hurt you in any way and instead end up making you feel even more conscious.Comparison:
In case both partners are at different stages of life, professionally, one may feel like they have to keep up, and the exhaustion from this can lead to major insecurity and low self-esteem.Overthinking:
Constant overthinking about the same subject and making assumptions about how they are feeling or what you said is everything an insecure person does.Advertisement
Ease it Out
In a situation like this, it often becomes difficult to help your partner out and get their confidence back. This feeling of insecurity is due to some personal shortcomings and reflective exercise can immensely help to overcome it. Sit with your partner and help them build their confidence back.As soon as they start to appreciate themselves and be more comfortable in their own skin, the relationship too will start to flourish. However, if you do think that it is beyond that point, visiting a couple therapists would be a great idea.
Sybil Shiddell, Country Manager India for Gleeden dating app shares, "When a partner is feeling insecure, it is important to empathize and understand where they are coming from. Relationships are built together and only when both willingly and maturely handle ups and downs. In terms of a partner feeling insecure, calmly handling the situation and strong communication is the best way to realign the relationship. However, if things get worse, know that one person alone cannot handle the baggage of the relationship and everyone deserves a secure and safe loving relationship."