Art therapy plays an important part in treating patients, hence, doctors in Australia are prescribing art classes for cancer patients as part of their therapy.
Cancer is on the rise, and something must be done to improve the survival and well-being of the roughly 16 million people who have cancer worldwide. Doctors in Australia are prescribing art classes for cancer patients as part of their therapy. The Arts on Prescription programme was originally targeted at the elderly but is now being tested with cancer patients at Greenwich Hospital in Sydney.
‘Every generation has had its breakthrough that promised to finally cure cancer, now, art classes are being prescribed to cancer patients as a part of their therapy.’
Andrew Cole, the physician in charge of the cancer rehabilitation clinic, said on Friday the art therapy plays an important part in treating patients. "Having Arts on Prescription is having another discipline in my team," he said.
Cole said the programme, which is based on a British model, has helped improve the general physical functioning of his patients.
"Our hope is to roll out the programme to other cancer rehab centres across Australia as well," he said.
Jo Finlay, who is recuperating from radiation therapy for breast cancer and a bout of pneumonia, said the art therapy had helped improve her mood and mobility.