Hong Kong –The new found affluence amongst the Asian middle class has ensured all round prosperity – fat pockets and fat bodies.
Hong Kong –The new found affluence amongst the Asian middle class has ensured all round prosperity – fat pockets and fat bodies. With growing prosperity, the palette has adapted to newer tastes, not necessarily healthier ones. As a result, many prosperous Asians are falling prey to lifestyle diseases of which diabetes is very common.
Fast food options have replaced the conventional healthy home cooked food. The Asian metabolism has always been used to fat free and simple diet. Now, with fatty foods, and inactive lifestyles, Asians have exposed themselves to diabetes risks. The fear that diabetes may reach epidemic proportions is not totally unfounded.The magnitude of the issue is best described in the statement made by Dr Shirine Boardman, a diabetes expert at Warwick, who said, “There is more diabetes than AIDS. It will take over as the main health problem of the developing world soon.”