Dhani Ram Baruah, hit the headlines in 1997 for transplanting a pig’s heart to a human and was jailed for 40 days. Now he claims to have cured 86 with HIV.
Dhani Ram Baruah, cardiac surgeon based in Guwahati, India claims that he has discovered a medicine for HIV/AIDS and that he had already cured 86 persons in the past seven or eight years. // “I and my team have worked hard for the past 18 years and found the cure for HIV/AIDS by using biological molecules isolated from edible medicinal plants that are available in the Himalayan region. I have named them Baruah Biological Combat Genes which are used as biological missiles to kill the dreaded HIV virus to improve the immune system,” said Baruah.
He also presented a patient called Bijendra Singh of Rohtak, before the media who, according to Baruah, was tested HIV-positive in 2008, but was now totally cured and had recently tested negative. “Singh is among 86 persons whom I have cured of HIV/AIDS in the past eight years,” Baruah asserted.
He has already written to UNAIDS, WHO and the National Institute of Health (US) about his success with HIV/AIDS.
“I have already written to UNAIDS, WHO and the National Institute of Health of USA about my success stories with HIV/AIDS patients and have asked them to conduct scrutiny of my experiments that have already given a new lease of life to 86 persons,” said Baruah.
He also said that while he had carried out a series of tests after completion of treatment of his 86 patients, all have tested HIV-negative in those tests.