Adults with asthma are more likely to become obese later in life. The risk is higher among those with non-allergic asthma, with longer disease duration.

‘Asthmatic patients with longer disease duration had a 32% larger risk of obesity than those with shorter duration and those with non-allergic asthma had an increased 47% risk than those with allergic asthma.’
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"Several studies have shown that asthma and obesity share some common socioeconomic, behavioral and environmental risk factors that can lead to the development of both diseases.Read More..

Some previous research focused on the mechanisms by which obesity could lead to asthma, but the inverse relationship had not received much attention until recently", says Subhabrata Moitra, who carried out this research at ISGlobal.
The researchers used data from the cohort study European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS), collected in three waves between 1990 and 2014 and with follow-up visits at intervals of approximately 10 years.
The different waves gathered data from questionnaires, lung function tests, and measures are taken to determine participants’ body mass index and asthma status and characteristics.
Between the first and the second follow-ups, 14.6% of non-asthmatic participants developed obesity, while the percentage increased up to 16.9% among asthmatic participants.
Asthmatic patients with longer disease duration had a 32% larger risk of obesity than those with shorter duration and those with non-allergic asthma had an increased 47% risk than those with allergic asthma.
“A potential explanation for the weight gain associated with asthma could be the reduction of physical activity in asthmatic patients. However, our results do not support this hypothesis, since the levels of physical activity in our study did not affect the observed association”, says Judith Garcia-Aymerich, senior author of the study.
“Regardless of the mechanisms, still unknown, our results have implications for the clinical care of adults with asthma,” she adds.
Unlike a previous study that found this association between asthma and weight gain only in women, in this case, there were no gender differences. Another study had found an association between asthma in children and obesity after 10 years of follow-up, but this is the first know study to show a similar association in adults regardless of their sex, as reported previously.