How African-Americans respond to asthma medication is not affected by their genetic ancestry, reports a study at Henry Ford Hospital.

Advances in genetics have led to the development of ancestry markers spread across the human genome, which allow genetic ancestry to be easily and inexpensively estimated among African Americans.
It has the potential to be a useful tool in predicting the severity of common conditions among African Americans and fostering the development for more personalized medicine.
"However, our study found that genetic differences due to ancestry probably contributed to little, if any, difference in how African Americans responded to inhaled corticosteroids," said Dr. Wendy Gould, the study's lead author.
African Americans appear to be especially prone to asthma and its complications, which result in more frequent emergency department visits and hospitalizations when compared with white individuals.
Because of that susceptibility, Henry Ford researchers set out to determine what role, if any, genetic ancestry plays in how well African Americans respond to inhaled corticosteroids, which is considered the most effective class of medication for controlling asthma.
Their breathing function was tested before and after the six-week treatment protocol. Genetic testing was done on DNA isolated from a single blood sample.
The study is published online at the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.