
Asthma Sufferers Lacking Physical Activity

There has been little research about the physical activity of adults with asthma. Knowing if asthma patients are exercising and what they are

There has been little research about the physical activity of adults with asthma. Knowing if asthma patients are exercising and what they are doing could help health professionals in designing fitness programs for asthma patients.

Doctors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a study to look at the physical activity levels of adults with asthma. The study included data on 165,123 participants.Researchers say about 30 percent of the participants with current asthma, 24 percent who had asthma in the past, and 27 percent who never had asthma were considered inactive. When looking at calories burned during physical activity, the study reports the energy expenditure was 206 kilocalories per week lower among those with current asthma and 91 kilocalories per week lower than those who never had asthma.

On the other hand, the study found 27 percent of the participants with current asthma, 28 percent with former asthma, and 28 of the people who never had asthma were participating in the recommended levels of physical activity.

As for the type of exercise, walking was the most frequent activity reported. Researchers found those with asthma were less likely to run, play basketball, golf and do weightlifting. However, those with asthma are more likely to use an exercise bicycle than those without asthma.

Researchers conclude the physical activity levels of adults with asthma are for the most part similar to adults without asthma. Although asthma can make it more difficult to participate in some physical activities, researchers say it’s important for asthma patients to meet the national recommendations.

They hope health care providers can help educate patients about the importance of being active and help patients find a way to achieve a higher level of physical activity.











