A new survey, nothing stops a family flare-up even on Christmas day from starting as early as 8.30am.
A new survey, nothing stops a family flare-up even on Christmas day from starting as early as 8.30am. While 68percent fall-outs occur because of board games, 66 per cent begin because of disappointment over Christmas gifts.
Then comes warring over what to watch on television which sparks 63 per cent of festive contretemps, online shopping site MyVoucherCodes.co.uk found.
And just 50percent fights are caused over in-laws, reports the Daily Express.
A Travelodge hotels survey revealed that one in five families fights will break out at regular intervals throughout the day - right from when we wake up and moan about not having enough space as we struggle to find room for extended family members.
Things quieten down until old family feuds are resurrected over Christmas dinner at around 3.30pm as everybody sits down to eat and old wounds are opened by family gossip.
"It's not only the turkey that gets overheated at Christmas, family flare-ups are inevitable. It's essential to prepare yourself psychologically by lowering your expectations as Christmas can't be perfect and it's essential to take time out every time you feel riled," said relationship psychologist, Corinne Sweet.