An Aussie restaurant is challenging customers to eat Queensland's biggest steak, however health experts have warned that regular consumption of large quantities of red meat can be dangerous.
In a rather "mammoth" contest, an Aussie restaurant is challenging customers to eat Queensland's biggest steak, prompting meat lovers to regularly flock the food joint.
However, health experts have warned that regularly consuming large quantities of red meat can be dangerous.Hog's Breath Cafe at Redcliffe, just north of Brisbane, launched a contest four months ago.
It was when the restaurant's owner, Steve Duke, was left with a 585g steak and challenged himself to eat it all.
Duke says that his customers love the spectacle when beef-eaters chow down on steaks big enough to feed a family of six.
"It just adds a bit of fun and it's a bit of a laugh," quoted him as saying.
The participants have to eat as much beef as possible taking their own time, and even visit the toilet.
Those who pass the challenge, will get a photo on a plate framed in the restaurant's Meat Hall of Fame, an "Eat Me" Hog's Breath T-shirt, and a large bill, with challengers charged an extra 7 dollars for every 100g above the standard-sized steak.
"It's high in kilojoules and saturated fat, so it ups the risk of heart disease and stroke," said dietitian Melanie Grice, from Health Kick, the vitamin retail chain.
She added that the hefty meal would not have any long-term effects, but recommended the participants to perform some serious exercise to burn off the extra kilojoules.